Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry


AtlanMod has helped WebRatio and the University of Trento in the definition (to be provided as an answer to the corresponding OMG RFP) of IFML, a modeling language for designing user interaction flows (not limited to the Web). Such a language should be: Extremely compact (no useless overhead), Effective (allows to model exactly what users want), Efficient (grants high reusability of model fragments), Easy to learn (very low learning curve), Comprehensive (covers most of the user interaction needs), Open and extensible (for covering any ad-hoc logic) and Platform independent (addressing any type of user interface device).

For more information about IFML - Interaction Flow Modeling Language see (http://www.ifml.org/ ).


IBM is funding a PhD Thesis on the topic of reverse engineering of business rules from COBOL systems (see the new results section for more details).